Almost Adulting
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The Key To Surviving The Day Is Not Positivity
“Terima kasih ya bang, murah rezeky dan sehat sehat ya bang” ucap Pak Ahmad, driver ojek online yang mengantarkanku ke dua tempat berbeda– Ini momen kesekian kalinya, di mana aku percaya bahwa Allah…
No One Knows
13.15 WIB“Kau kok enceng ki? Kenapa?” ucap mak’e dengan gaya bicaranya yang khas Aku : Iya mak (sembari memberi senyum tipis)Bu Ningsih : Kemarin Muhdi juga udah cerita. Coba lah ngobrol lagi, pasti…
Suatu Saat Kau-kan Didengar
Ingin menyerah, namun hati kecilku terus berbisikBertahanlah, ingat kau sudah sampai sejauh ini Mungkin lagu Ghea – Teramini, akan mewakili apa yang aku rasakan saat ini. Ohiya, ini postingan pertamaku pake Bahasa Indonesia,…
What If It Doesn’t Work
I don’t know about you, but I’m someone when doing everything must be perfect and less mistakes. This character of perfection sometimes makes me unmood, mainly because it stresses me out when I…
My Study Journey Is About To Begin
Remember when I was in high school, my parents asked me about my plans to pursue my education to college? Because formerly I received a scholarship to start my life as a student…
I’m No Good At Goodbyes But I’ll Try
Today’s post is inspired by a little post I saw the other day that saids “you deserve a better goodbye” which got me thinking a lot. I trust that this has happened to…