Almost Adulting

My Study Journey Is About To Begin

Remember when I was in high school, my parents asked me about my plans to pursue my education to college? Because formerly I received a scholarship to start my life as a student in Bandung. But for some reason at, continuing my education further never crossed my mind

In shot, today I finished my undergraduate thesis on a date that people say is a beautiful date hha. Maybe some people will be free from tension because they have finished their thesis, maybe some people could be the opposite

Honestly, it makes me a little relieved, but actually it’s more overthinking. One of the responsibilities has been completed and we just have to wait for the graduation in June. But on the other hand, my head keeps asking “after graduating, what do you want to do?”

My head was noisy, what do I want to be next? Immediately take my master or pursue a career first in an existing place. The challenge with this question is the fact that the two things above often go hand in hand. Doing something I love, inspires me to do that thing often, and so you will naturally get better at it, and will eventually do it exceptionally well. On the other hand, if a person does something well, it is also likely that they will grow to enjoy it, perhaps because of the appreciation and recognition that the skill may bring

Perhaps this will be my concern for periodically time, because in fact my educational journey is not over, but has just begun.

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